Saturday, 9 May 2009

Lads, its time to get Suited and Booted

For the past four or five seasons menswear has become increasingly formal. Jeans and T-shirts are traded in for sharp tailored blazers and the ubiquitous white shirt. But just because its formal, its doesn't mean that you cant make a style statement. Here are a few ensembles from Thom Browne's collection with Brooks Brothers, Black Fleece ....

Paisley single breasted suit (Paisley is massive for A/W)

The Talented Mr Ripley

Tuxedo Jackets mixed with tailored shorts create an unexpected twist to the most formal of outfits

Friday, 8 May 2009

My Manic Marc Addiction

Today - for the second time in as many weeks - I visited the new marc by Marc Jacobs store'. Desperately trying to satisfy another ‘marc’ induced, fashion fix.

As I entered and started to feel myself get high on the bargains, my thoughts turned to whether this impulsive behaviour towards the brand was at all worth it. After all, I am buying ‘designer clothes’ for less than a purple bank note and as for the quality, well, you get what you pay for. Then it dawned on me, it’s the fake luxury that has turned me into this ‘marc’ junkie. Why should I go to Topman when I can go to marc and get a ‘designer’ T for the same price? And best of all, walk out with a lux looking shopping bag.

With accessories costing the same as a ‘Maccy D’s’, it’s hardly surprising that I’ve visited the store more times than Amy Winehouse would her crack dealer. However, I know I’m not the only one with this shameless ‘marc’ addiction - as a fashionable friend (cough* Ella) has visited so often that the assistant has practically put her on his Christmas card list - but with word of mouth spreading faster than Swine flu, more and more people will surely become addicted.

Now, I may sound a snob, but I don’t want every Tom, Dick or Sharon for that matter draping themselves in the same clobber as me, and with the prices being so affordable; anyone can buy into the brand. Leaving us disciples of fashion exposed to the stylistically impaired. Just think you would want the chav sitting next to you on the train wearing the same top? No!!!

So a word of caution, spend, spend, spend if you like, but in six months time when word has spread and you cannot blink without someone with the same bag as you, the ‘marc’ habit may come to an abrupt end.
Marc by Marc Jacobs, 56 South Audley Street, W1. 0207 408 7050